A Special Podcast Recording with North-East Podcaster, Ian Farrar

Two podcasters in the North East came together for a special episode when Ian Farrar and Ashleigh King recorded the first episode of Season 2 of the ‘Nuture Your Zest’ podcast.

Ian Farrar is an award-winning business coach, Founder of Far North, and Host of the Industry Angel Business Podcast 🎙️.

This episode is an important milestone because it commemorates two important occasions:

  • The first episode to launch the second season of the Nurture Your Zest Podcast.

  • It’s the first podcast episode recorded in ‘The Nest’ of Flamingo Heights, a new creative studio specialising in podcasting in the North East of England.

This isn’t the first time that these two content creators have collaborated as Ashleigh was featured in a special livestream chatting about ‘Organising a TEDx Event & What Makes an Awesome Application’.


🌵Why starting a podcast can help attract your dream clients and how this has worked for Ian's business Far North
🌵The journey of creating the Industry Angel Business Podcast
🌵How to attract high-profile podcast guests, or find guest podcast opportunities
🌵Why some men struggle to talk about their mental health and why it's important to get help if you need to.
🌵The best domain Ian ever bought, and why!
🌵Ian's fascination with aliens and conspiracy theories 👀👽


💻 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ianfarrar
🎧 Industry Angel Business Podcast - https://industryangel.com/
🧭 Far North Sales & Marketing consultancy - https://far-north.co.uk/
🥾 Visit Carpeway - Seize the Way - https://carpeway.com/

This episode was recorded at Flamingo Heights Podcast Studio, a new podcast studio in Newcastle upon Tyne, and run by Ashleigh King:
🦩Flamingo Heights: https://www.flamingoheights.co.uk

If you would like to record a podcast or have questions about starting a podcast or collaborating please write to:
💌 hello@flamingoheights.co.uk

Season 2 of this podcast has been made possible with the kind sponsorship of THAT Branding Company and Blindsee Photo.

🎨THAT Branding Company: https://www.thatbranding.company
📸Blindsee Photo: https://www.blindseephoto.co.uk

#Podcast #FarNorth #IndustryAngelBusinessPodcast #NurtureYourZest #FlamingoHeights #PodcastStudioNewcastle #MensMentalHealth #PodcastTips #Burnout #Coaching

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Private Event Booking - Celebrate Your ADHD Difference Meet Up


🦩New Podcast Studio, Flamingo Heights, is a Go!